BMW Certified Collision Repair

BMW Certified Collision Repair


When it comes to damage caused by an accident, there can be some undesirable surprises. Even a minor collision can undermine your BMW’s structural integrity, mechanical systems, electronics, and performance. BMW Certified Collision Repair Centres (CCRCs) have the specialized technology, tools, and technicians to ensure your BMW’s various systems are restored to their original factory specifications.

Why it Matters

  • With choosing a BMW Certified Collision Repair Centre (CCRC) like Formula First Collision, the repair specialists are trained by the BMW factories in Germany, USA, and Canada.
  • You are assured of consistent, continuously updated repair procedures to safely restore your vehicle back to its original integrity, with no shortcuts.
  • Your vehicle will be worth more at resale being repaired at a BMW certified collision repair center, rather than if it was repaired elsewhere.
  • Each approved BMW Certified Collision Centre is audited annually to ensure factory standards, procedures and updated tooling are always maintained.
  • Only a BMW Certified Collision Repair Centre (CCRC) can issue an official Certificate of Repair from the manufacturer guaranteeing that your BMW was restored by specially trained technicians, using only original BMW Parts.
  • Formula First Collision has been the one of the top three rated BMW CCRC shops in Southwestern Ontario for the Past three years.